The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 15, Number 4
Jul 1991


RLIN Lives

The Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN), a shared computer system that makes possible an enormous shared bibliographical database for cataloging, ordering and preservation, is so important to the libraries that use it that some librarians may have grown distinctly uneasy, not to say anxious or panicky when they read about the far-reaching changes planned by James Michalko, the new president of the Research Libraries Group (RLG), which owns RLIN. At the March meeting of the RLG's Board of Governors, he said, "Alternative sources have emerged for many of the products RLG provided during the 1980s. RLG's efforts in the 1990s should complement rather than replicate services scholars can obtain through local systems or other established services." Negotiations were underway to transfer RLG s' current cataloging activity from RLIN to OCLC (another "established service," coincidentally); and economies in operating costs were (and are) seen as important.

Well, it turned out that was not what he meant at all. After the June Board meeting a press release was issued, in which Michalko was quoted as saying that RLG will continue to maintain the RLIN system as a full, current resource for processing, shared resources, preservation, and other cooperative activities. As you were.

Raise your own Kenaf

Charles Raney, an Iowa hand papermaker, has responded to a request for information about kenaf, a plant that may one day be used in commercial papermaking in the U.S. to replace wood fiber. He says, "Kenaf for the hand papermaker will produce excellent papers, and its fibers are recommended for use in the pure state or as a supplement to other fibers in handmade papers.... A firm in Albuquerque wrote to inform me that they had kenaf seeds for sale. Their address is IT Products, Box 4795, Albuquerque, NM 871964795. In addition to seeds they have partially processed fiber and a couple of brochures."

A 1988 article on kenaf from the New York Times is summarized an P. 74 of the 1989 issue of this Newsletter.

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