The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 15, Number 5
Sep 1991


Yes, There is Action in the States

Statewide preservation plans do not spring into existence within a month, or even a year. They grow like trees, a little every year, less in drought periods and more when they are tended carefully. Like trees, too, they may go an giving more shade each year for an indefinite number of years, outlasting those who planted them.

It is not easy to keep track of what is happening in the 50 states plus the District of Columbia and the island territories, but it would be impossible without the information sent in by individuals in the states and by people in central positions who can give an overview. The list below was put together from Abbey Publications files, and is presented with apologies for sane of the information, which is two or more years out of date. If enough corrections and additions are sent in, a revised list will be published.

AZ -  The first meeting was held May 1990, sponsored by the Historical Records Advisory Board.
CA -  They are in the regional conference stage, are planning.
OD -  The Colorado Preservation Alliance was formed Sept. 1990.
DC -  The Washington Research Library Consortium is working on plans for a cooperative facility for storage and treatment.
FL -  SOLINET is helping with a statewide disaster plan; the 1989 survey was funded by the state library with LSCA funds.
IL -  A task force presented a plan to the state librarian in 1986; the state now funds a limited program.
IN -  The program is in the discussion stage.
ME -  Awarded an NEH planning grant.
MA -  Awarded an NEH planning grant.
MI -  The Michigan Alliance for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage is incorporated, has a newsletter and activities.
NE -  Awarded an NEH planning grant.
IU -  Program is established, gives grants to libraries in state for preservation projects.
NY -  Program is established though currently undernourished because of state financial crisis; gives grants to libraries in state.
NC -  Awarded an NEH planning grant. The North Carolina Preservation Consortium was established about 1985.
OH -  The Ohio Preservation Council has a consultant for members, a page in the state library's newsletter, an office and a brochure describing its services.
OK -  The Oklahoma Conservation Congress began meeting in 1988 or earlier, and has begun its program.
RI -  Awarded an NEH planning grant.
SC -  SOLINET has helped. Has statewide program for archives; PALMCOP organized 1986.
TX -  A task force has worked out a detailed plan, completed July 1990, no funding yet; working through the AMIGOS preservation program.
VA -  Program is funded by NHPRC.
WI -  WISPPR has a newsletter, does workshops, has a loan program and preservation course in library school.

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