The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 15, Number 5
Sep 1991

Please Stop Sending Book Arts Stuff to Abbey Publications

In May, we announced in the Abbey Newsletter that we no longer cover book arts, except for aspects that clearly relate to conservation, preservation, the history and structure of the physical book, and so on. But the mailings continue to come, leading us to suspect that book arts people do not read the Abbey Newsletter. So let us make it perfectly clear:

The survey of Abbey readers that was done a few years ago revealed that many readers are quite fond of the book arts (calligraphy, marbling, papermaking and design of books primarily as works of art rather than for use), and wanted to see them covered by this Newsletter, as well as by all the other fine publications that cover book arts. There are several reasons why we cannot do this: 1) It does not satisfy the purpose of the corporation, which is to promote preservation. 2) The Editor has no training, talent or news contacts, and very little first-hand experience, in the book arts, and is not willing to start learning now. 3) There is not enough time in the day or space in the Newsletter to cover news and information about book arts.

The book arts people I have met are the nicest people on earth. They should not feel personally rejected. But if they want to prevent paper waste and save themselves disappointment, they will take Abbey Publications off their mailing list.

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