Volume 15, Number 7
Nov 1991
- Morris Warren of Fiber Preservation Research & Development
(6 Self Blvd., Carteret, NJ 07008, 201/855-1039, Fax 201/855-1046)
says his company is interested in acquiring a small library ethylene
oxide sterilizer, if any library in or near New Jersey might have
one they no longer need.
- Dave Magoon responded to the query about the watermark in the
last issue as follows: "Attached is a sheet from the Resume Kit sold
by Pratt & Austin of Holyoke [Massachusetts] and made by Parsons
Paper Co. of Holyoke. This is a 'private' watermark for this
customer and is also sold to Kinko's copy centers throughout the
U.S." The paper he enclosed had the same Greek building with three
columns, but instead of "Acid Free" it said "Resume - 100% Cotton."
The local Kinko's in Provo has paper with the same building in a
similar watermark that says "100% Cotton - Acid Free." The name of
the paper is "Vitae."
- Dr. Rainer Luebking, Kolpingstrasse 54, D-5900 Siegen, Germany,
is planning a worldwide survey of paper museums, their activities,
main topics, exhibitions, staff, founders and financial resources,
for publication in a future issue of International Paper
History, the newsletter of IPH. He would like for people to
send him the addresses of all the paper museums they know about,
even if this is only the name of the city.