Volume 15, Number 8
Dec 1991
- Henry Wilhelm and Carol Brower were married December 1, 1991 in
Grinnell, Iowa. Henry's forthcoming book, "The Permanence and Care
of Color Photographs: Prints, Negatives, Slides and Motion Pictures,"
is expected this spring. Carol is contributing author.
- Janet Ruggles, who has been serving as director of the Balboa
Art Conservation Center in San Diego, has resumed full-time her
responsibilities as the center's chief paper conservator.
- Paul Messier has begun work as paper and photographic materials
conservator at the Rocky Mountain Conservation Center, which
recently dropped the word "Regional" from its name because it is now
serving such a large area.
- Sue Murphy left her position as Senior Conservator at the Harry
Ransom Humanities Research Center (HRHRC) at the University of Texas
to become the Curator for the Center's art collections. She spent
the month of October working in France and London on a professional
fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. This involved
giving a paper at the ARSAG conference and visiting paper mills,
museums and galleries.
- Karen Pavelka has been appointed the Head of the Paper Lab in
the Conservation Department at the HRHRC .
- James Stroud was in the State of Bahrain (southeast of Kuwait on
the Persian Gulf) recently, consulting at the National Museum.
- Karen Garlick is the chair of the Preservation Section in the
Society of American Archivists, and the SAA liaison to the AIC.
- Evelyn Frangakis has been named Preservation Director of the
Society of American Archivists, effective January 1. This means she
will be in charge of the big preservation training project described
on p. 90 of the October issue of this newsletter.
- George Cunha went to Moscow and St. Petersburg about December 1
to consult with the libraries there.
- Janet English has joined the Intermuseum Laboratory in Oberlin,
Ohio, as Assistant Conservator of Paper.
- Roxanna D. Herrick joined the Washington University Libraries
(St. Louis, MO) in the fall as Preservation Administrator, a newly
created position.
- Cheryl A Shackelton, formerly Mellon Intern at the New York
Public Library, is now working as a consultant to the Preservation
of the Black Religious Heritage Project sponsored by the NYPL's
Schomburg Center and co-authoring a book with Robert DeCandido on
conservation treatment services. She can be reached at 212/584-5659.
- Dr. Mirjam Foot began work as Director of Collections and
Preservation at the British Library in November 1990. Mirjam is
responsible for the largest directorate in the British Library: its
work includes the storage, retrieval and supply of books to
humanities reading rooms as well as the preservation of material.
- Miguel Angel Corzo was named the new Director of the Getty
Conservation Institute in November.
- David Tilbrooke, conservation scientist from South Australia,
recently returned from a fact-finding mission to the USA. Among his
stops were the Smithsonian's Conservation Analytical Lab and the
Getty Conservation Institute.
- Robert Butler, preservation officer of the National Agricultural
Library, retired September 30.
- Robert Milevski started work August 19 at his new job as
Preservation Librarian at Princeton University Libraries. His
telephone number is 609/258-5591, and his fax number is 258-4105.