The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 16, Number 2
Apr 1992

Editor's Page

A Thank-You to Supporters

The editor and trustees of Abbey Publications, Inc., want to express appreciation for support received from the people and organizations listed below. So far this year $3,291 has been received.

All donations are considered as going to Abbey Publications (thus contributing to both the Abbey Newsletter and the Alkaline Paper Advocate). Donors are listed below as Benefactors ($1000+), Sponsors ($500+), Patrons ($100+), and Contributors ($25+).

Benefactors: Miami Paper Corporation

Sponsors: Acme Bookbinding Company, Inc.

Patrons: Pamela W. Darling, The New York Community Trust - James Talcott Fund, Elaine R. Schlefer, University Microfilms, Inc., University Products, Inc., and William Minter Bookbinding & Conservation, Inc.

Contributors: Anchor Hand Bookbinding, Catherine Atwood, Ronald L. Becker, Wesley L. Boomgaarden, Constance L. Brooks, Sherry Byrne, Elizabeth S. Cziffra, Jane Dalrymple-Hollo, James C. Dast, Judith Fortson, Doris Hamburg, Margaret H. Johnson, George B. Kelly, Jr., Eric Mac Donald, Kathleen M. Orlenko, Marie L. Payne, Eleanor Quandt, Eric C. Shoaf, Willman Spawn, James G. Stephens Ann G. Swartzell, Technical Library Service, Inc., Marcia A. Watt, Marilyn Kemp Weidner, James K Wellvang, and William K Wilson.

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued eight times a year and has about 1250 subscribers. All subscriptions are for the calendar year. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the current year, unless they request otherwise. Checks may be made out in U.S. dollars or English pounds, payable to Abbey Publications; send to 320 E. Center St., Provo, UT 84606.

    Full-time students & unpaid interns   $20
    Personal subscriptions and uncomplicated
        institutional subscriptions:           37
    Subscriptions involving numerous forms,
       claims and complications:               45

Paid advertisements, except for job ads, are not accepted. Job announcements are billed at the rate of $50 for the heading and the first ten lines (55-60 characters per line), plus $2 per line thereafter. Any notice that is appropriate and newsworthy will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for issues never received will be honored within 6 months of publication. Defective issues will be gladly replaced on request. A complete list of back issues is available.

Descriptions--even enthusiastic descriptions--of products or services in this newsletter are not to be taken as endorsements or policy statements.

The Abbey Newsletter is selectively indexed in Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts and the Institute of Paper Science & Technology Abstract Bulletin. All issues but v.1 #2 are in print, and each volume has its own index. Interim indexes are available on request.

The Editor encourages readers to photocopy freely from the Newsletter, but the Editor's permission must be obtained before making more than 20 copies of any part.

Abbey Publications is a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation (Tax ID #87-0436104). Its other publication is the Alkaline Paper Advocate. It is the policy of Abbey Publications to use alkaline paper for both newsletters.

Editor: Ellen McCrady

©1992 Abbey Publications, Inc.

Circulation Manager: Linda Agler

Fax: 801/375-4423

ISSN: 0276-8291

Phone: 801/373-1598


The article on dataloggers in the November issue did not give the fax numbers of the four suppliers listed, and one of the telephone numbers was wrong. Here are the correct telephone and fax numbers:

Herzog/Wheeler & Assoc., 612/870-4555; Fax 871-8189
Dickson Company (not Dickson Instrument Co.), 708/ 543-3747, Fax 543-0498
Langan Products, Inc., 415/567-8089 (both phone and fax)
Rustrack Instruments, 40V884-6800, Fax 884-4872

pH Pens

The Abbey pH Pen can be purchased in Canada through BIB, a division of University Products. Their telephone number is 416/858-7888.

Per Laursen's Leafcasting Book Available in English

Enclosed with this issue is the first part of an English translation of Per Laursen's historical and technical book on leafcasting, which I have been working on for the last eight years, and which will be published as Monograph Supplement No. 2. It is printed on lightweight paper to enable us to send it out with this issue without increasing postage costs. It is only a sample, of course. The page numbers in the table of contents are not all there because the rest of the volume had not been pasted up at the time. The book itself will be on heavier paper and in a soft cover. In order to cover costs, we are selling it for $30 a copy postpaid. We are taking orders now.

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