Volume 16, Number 2
Apr 1992
- Don Etherington, Vice President of Conservation at Information
Conservation, Inc., has been named to a new position as Corporate
Vice President of Quality Control for the ICI group of five operating
library binderies located in five states.
- Inez Combs Pennybacker, a Connecticut resident until her retirement
and a former fine binding teacher at the Gibbes Museum of Art
in Charleston, SC, died peacefully in her sleep February 12 at
her home. She was born March 2, 1898, in Waynetown, Indiana, and
studied restoration and binding under Roger Powell.
- Frederick Bearman is now in place as the new head of the Columbia
University Libraries Conservation Lab. For the past year he has
been working at the Folger Shakespeare Library as special conservator
on the First Folio (1623) Conservation and Cataloguing
Project. He can be reached by phone at 212/865-3580.
- Mary Ann Tyrrell has been appointed Collection Management
Preservation Librarian, following strategic planning and reorganization
at Michigan State University.