The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 16, Number 4
Aug 1992

Email: The Cons DistList

Since 1987 a steadily growing group of conservators, librarians, archivists and scientists have been meeting on the Internet to share technical information and news. There are currently about 400 users from eight countries. The Conservation DistList provides: 1) an online moderated forum issued when participants send in material to be distributed, 2) a directory of electronic mail (email) addresses for conservation and preservation (mostly preservation) professionals, and 3) a FileList of text files on various conservation-related topics such as disaster planning, preservation survey techniques, and using networks. For more information please contact: Walter Henry, Conservation Lab, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94550; 415/725-1150. (Internet:

Also available from Walter Henry is a list of connection options for email including a brief description of services such as University computer centers, UUNET, CompuServe, Western Union Easylink, MCI Mail, America Online, The Well, and The World.

[The directory is the best of its type in existence, with telephone and fax numbers, full addresses and other information. I bound and indexed my printout, and rely heavily on it, especially for contacting preservation administrators. -Ed.]

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