The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 19, Number 3
Aug 1995

Alumni of the Columbia U/U of Texas-Austin Conservation & Preservation Programs

In early 1981, a joint announcement went out from the School of Library Science at Columbia University and the Conservation Center, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, saying, in part:

...The Columbia University School of Library Service will initiate two new programs in the 1981-82 academic year. Students will be admitted to both programs for the autumn term, which begins August 31, 1981.

The School will admit six students each year to the three-year conservator program, and twelve to the first year of the two-year preservation administration program. In 1981 twelve applicants who have a master's degree in library service will also be admitted to the second year of the program for preservation administration.

The announcement went on to describe the three-year program for conservators, which consisted of two years of course work, two summer work projects and a one-year internship; and the one-year and two-year program for preservation administrators, who were to be given credit for a year's work if they already held a library science degree. This is essentially how the program remains organized today, except that the conservator internship is seven months long instead of 12 months.

When the library school at Columbia University closed down, the program moved to the University of Texas at Austin, where it has continued since 1992 under a similar arrangement, as part of the University of Texas library school. Karen Motylewski heads the program, now called Preservation and Conservation Studies (PCS); biographical information is in the story on the front page of the December issue of AN.

There are three full-time faculty: Paul Banks, who originally conceived and set up the Columbia program; Roberta Pilette, one of the first conservator graduates; and Karen Motylewski. Adjunct faculty are Karen Pavelka, a 1988 grad, now senior paper conservator at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center (HRHRC); Hal Erickson, doctoral candidate in chemistry who formerly worked at HRHRC, optimizing the DEZ process for archival material; and Gary Frost, former book conservation instructor in the Columbia program, and partner in BookLab since the late 1980s.

Seven new conservation students have been admitted for the fall, bringing the total to 19. The number of new preservation students will not be known until after registration, because it is not a declared concentration, but the total is about 14. Since tuition per semester is about six times as high for nonresidents as it is for residents (estimated at $7500 vs. $1300), some students come a year early to establish residency and work in a conservation-related job to give them bench experience. The conservation students receive considerable help with educational expenses from the NEH. Austin is not an expensive town to live in, being 37% cheaper than Boston and 9% more expensive than Nashville. For more program information, call Karen Motylewski or Roberta Pilette at 512/471-8290.

A complete version of the following list, providing home addresses and other information, has been sent to all the graduates listed. This abbreviated version contains a few corrections received since then.

Victoria Adamitis 85 PA
Not working in the field
Living in Colorado

Roxane AhKao McPeters 85 Con

Part-time private conservator

Albany, NY

Diana Alper-Roley 88 Con
NARA Regional Preservation Program
College Park, MD

Alan Balicki 93 Con
Library Conservator
New-York Historical Society
New York, NY

Bette Barker Epstein 86 PA
Archivist I
New Jersey Department of State
Trenton, NJ

Ellen Belcher 92 PA
Grad student in Ancient Near Eastern Art History &
Archaeology at Columbia University
New York, NY

Eileen Bentsen 85 PA
Reference Librarian and Archivist
Mt. Aloysius College Library
Cresson, PA

Lisa Biblo 91 PA
Harvard University Library
Preservation Center
Cambridge, MA

Wesley L. Boomgaarden 82 PA
Preservation Officer
Ohio State University Libraries
Columbus, OH

Maria [Bessa] Cavalcanti 93 Con
Center for Latin American Studies
University of Texas at Austin

Ellen Cimini 92 PA
Between jobs
Living in Austin, TX

Veronica Cunningham 89 PA
Preservation Officer
State University of New York at Albany

Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa 88 PA
Preservation Officer
General Libraries
University of Texas
Austin, TX

Bonnie Rose Curtin 88 PA
Management & Program Analyst
National Archives at College Park
College Park, MD

Paula De Stefano 88 PA
Head, Preservation Department
New York University Libraries
Bobst Library

Claire Dekle 92 Con
Book Conservator
Book Conservation Laboratory
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC

James Lee Dirks 91 PA
Manager, Preservation Services
Preservation Resources
Bethlehem, PA

Mindell Dubansky 88 PA
Associate Museum Librarian/ Preservation
Thomas J. Watson Library
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY

Rosemary Fallon 87 Con
Paper Conservator
National Portrait Gallery
Smithsonian Museum
Washington, DC

Gretchen Feltes 89 PA
Preservation/Reference Librarian
NYU Law Library

Cyndie L. Frame 91 PA
Preservation/Collection Mgmt Librarian
Burke Library
Union Theological Seminary
New York, NY

Evelyn Frangakis 89 PA
Head, Preservation Department
University of Maryland, College Park

Alexis Hagadorn 93 Con
Collections Conservator
Preservation Department
Yale University
New Haven, CT

Gail Harriman 84/861 Con
Book Conservator
National Archives & Records Administration
Washington, DC

JD Henry 95 PA
Looking for employment
Living in Austin, TX

Richard Horton 91 Con
Bridgeport National Bindery
Agawam, MA

Lauren Jackson-Beck 91 PA
Associate Museum Librarian
The Cloisters Library
Fort Tryon Park
New York, NY

Erich Jacobs 91 Con
Preservation Department
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA

Maralyn (Lynn) Jones 82 PA
Assistant Head
Conservation Department
Doe Library
University of California at Berkeley

Hilary Kaplan 87 Con
Georgia Department of Archives and History
Atlanta, GA

Erich Kesse 87 PA
Chair, Preservation Department
University of Florida Libraries
Gainesville, FL

Melissa Kimmerly Petherbridge 90 Con
Manager of Information
Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games

Theodore Kuzen 84 PA
Preservation Officer
Alderman Library
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

Kathleen Ludwig 84 Con
Archives Conservator
Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul, MN

Susan Lunas 87 Con
Reference Librarian
East Brunswick Public Library
Eatontown, NJ

Melanie Martin 89 Con
Teachers College Library
Columbia University
Larchmont, NY

Miranda Kreisberg Martin 88 Con
Assistant Paper Conservator
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
University of Texas at Austin

Jo Anne Martinez 90 Con
Private conservator
Silver Spring, MD

Ellen McCrady 84 PA
Abbey Publications
Austin, TX

Larry McDonald 88 PA
Reference Librarian
University of Regina Library
Regina, Saskatchewan

Peter McDonald 88 PA
Director, Geneva Library
Jordan Hall
NY State Agricultural Experiment Station
Cornell University
Geneva, NY

Lars Meyer 95 PA
Looking for employment
Living in Austin, TX

Bess Michaels 87 PA
Head, Access Services
Columbia University
Law School Library
New York, NY

Robert Milevski 84 PA
Preservation Librarian
Princeton University Libraries
Princeton, NJ

Elizabeth Morse 86 Con
Assistant Conservator
Conservation Laboratory
Harvard University Library
Cambridge, MA

Peter Mustardo 90 PA
Director, The Better Image
Conservation of Photographs
Pittstown, NJ

Nancy Nitzberg 92 Con
Private book conservator
Book Care
Jenkintown, PA

Lorraine Olley 84/922 PA
Head, Preservation Department
Indiana University Libraries
Bloomington, IL

Kathy Orlenko 86 Con
Private book conservator
Santa Clara, CA

Cynthia Ostroff 91 Con
Conservation Technician
Conservation Studio
Sterling Memorial Library
Yale University
New Haven, CT

Grace Owen 89 Con
Dance Collection
Library of the Performing Arts
New York Public Library

Susanna Pancaldo 91 PA
Art conservation student
Conservation Center
Institute of Fine Arts
New York University

Jan Paris 88 Con
Wilson Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Karen Pavelka 88 Con
Paper Conservator
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
University of Texas at Austin

Richard Peek 88 PA
Head, Preservation Department
Rush Rhees Library
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY

Roberta Pilette 84 Con
Book Conservation Instructor
Preservation & Conservation Studies
University of Texas at Austin

Mary Pound 87 Con
Administrative assistant for a land trust;
Also, part-time private conservator
St. Paul, MN

Emily Ramos 92 Con
Assistant Conservator
New York Public Library

Patrick Ravines 85 Con
Baha'i World Center
Conservation Office
Haifa, Israel

Marc D. Reeves 85 Con
Head, Conservation Laboratory
New York Public Library

Rafael Reyes-Ayala 91 Con
Private conservator
Institute of Puerto Rican Culture
San Juan, Puerto Rico

Barbara Rhodes 86 Con
Conservator, Library
American Museum of Natural History
New York, NY

Sharla Darlene Richards 94 PA
Looking for employment
Living in Austin, TX

Sydney Roby 92 PA
Special Collections/Preservation Librarian
Goucher College Library
Baltimore, MD

Sally Cruz Roggia 82 PA
Head, School Library Materials Processing Center
School Library Services
Hawaii Department of Education
Honolulu, HI

Mark S. Roosa 87 PA
Chief Preservation Officer
Huntington Library
San Marino, CA

Paula Hacker Schrynemakers 92 Con
Book Conservator
Watson Library
Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, NY [3 days/week, W-F]
American Museum of Natural History [2 days/week]
New York, NY

Rosalye Settles 92 PA
National Archives at College Park

Cheryl Ann Shackelton Hawkins 87 PA
Senior Assistant Branch Librarian
New York Public Library
Also, Private Consultant in NYC area.

Theresa Siebach 88 Con
Private book conservator
Harrisburg, PA

Anne Patricia Smith 86 PA
Head, Preservation Department
Alden Library
Ohio University
Athens, OH

Steve Smith 95 PA
Looking for employment
Living in Austin, TX

Olga Souza Marder 91 Con
Assistant Paper Conservator
Library Conservation
Winterthur Museum
Winterthur, DE

Janice Stagnitto 91 Con
Senior Book Conservator
Book Conservation Laboratory
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC

Dianne S. Stalker 88 PA
Head, Preservation & Special Collections Departments
Main Library
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY

Anna Stenstrom 85 Con
Senior Conservator
New York Public Library

Eleanore Stewart 85 Con
Head, Conservation Treatment
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA

Ed Surges 92 PA
Systems Analyst
School of Nursing
University of Texas at Austin

Sarah Talley 95 PA
Preservation Archivist
Utah State Archives
Salt Lake City, UT

Joan ten Hoor 89 PA
Preservation Specialist
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL

Don Thompson 89 PA
Preservation Librarian
Doheny Library
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA

John Townsend 82 PA
Preservation Consultant
Richmondville, NY

Fei-Wen Tsai 93 Con
Conservation Analytical Laboratory
Museum Support Center
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC

David Eugene Walls 94 PA
Learning Skills Center
University of Texas at Austin

Duane Watson 85 PA
Assistant Director for Preservation
New York Public Library

William Watson 92 PA
Living in Seaford, NY

James Wellvang 84 PA
Head, Preservation Department
University of Texas at Arlington Libraries

Holley White 91 Con
Associate Paper Conservator
Perry C. Huston & Associates
Fort Worth, TX

Carol Sue Whitehouse 88 Con
Book & Paper Conservator
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL

Ursula Wille 92 Con
Assistant Conservator
Frick Art Reference Library
New York, NY

Paul Wilson 93 PA
Associate Lecturer
School of Information, Library & Archival Studies
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

Christine Wiseman 95 PA
Looking for full-time employment;
Now part-time at the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection
University of Texas at Austin

Robert Wrightson 83 PA
Assistant Director of Libraries, Planning and Priorities
Concordia University Library
Montreal, PQ

Akio Yasue 87 PA
Chief, Conservation Division
National Diet Library
Tokyo, Japan

Maggie Young 93 Con
Senior Coder, University Herbarium
Valley Life Sciences Bldg.
University of California at Berkeley

1 Gail Harriman completed all but one course by 1984, but did not receive her certificate until 1986.

2 Lorraine Olley began the program in 1984, but did not receive her certificate until 1992.

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