The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 20, Number 2
Jun 1996


Note: Elizabeth Morse, Assistant Conservator at Harvard, is the column editor for "Supplies and Services," and her material appears first. Announcements from other sources follow. Suppliers should send their news and samples to Ms. Morse at her new address, Harvard University Library, Conservation Laboratory, Holyoke Center Room 847, Cambridge, MA 02138 (617/495-8596, fax 617/496-8344).

A useful knife for opening uncut signatures is the sculptor's fettling knife (#97 or #96) which can be found in most art supply shops. A dulled blade slides precisely into the apex of the folds before it starts to cut. The blade is thinner than most paper knives sold for slitting envelopes and the tip is rounded so you won't puncture the paper by accident.

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