The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 20, Number 3
Aug 1996

UT Austin Conservation Interns and Graduates

Preservation and Conservation Studies, in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Texas at Austin, is pleased to announce the August, 1996 graduation of its first class of conservators. These students have completed their third-year internships at the following institutions.

Student Institution
Scott Devine Library of Congress
Yasmeen Khan Smithsonian Institution
Erika Lindensmith National Library of Wales
Alan Puglia University of Iowa Libraries
Mark Rutledge Conservation Division of Information Conservation, Inc.
Nancy Stanfill Huntington Library, San Marino, CA

New third year student conservators will intern at the following institutions, beginning January, 1997.

Student Institution
Margaret Brown Yale University Libraries
Donia Conn Trinity College, Dublin
Mary Elizabeth Haude National Archives & Records Administration
Ethel Hellman Princeton University Libraries
Susan Russick Library of Congress
Michelle Smith University of North Carolina

For more information contact: Ann Seago, Preservation and Conservation Studies, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, The University of Texas at Austin; Phone: 512/471-8290; Fax: 471-8285; e-mail:

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