Volume 20, Number 6
Nov 1996
- Toby Murray recently returned from Taiwan, where
she participated in a symposium on conservation and preservation
sponsored by the Council for Cultural Affairs and the Hwa Kang
Museum of the Chinese Culture University. Her Basic Guidelines
for Disaster Planning in Oklahoma has been translated into
- Anne R. Kenney has been appointed a commissioner
of the NHPRC (National Historical Publications and Records Commission),
succeeding John Fleckner.
- Fynette Eaton of the Center for Electronic Records
of the National Archives and Records Administration received the
1996 Technology Excellence Award from the Interagency Committee
on Information Resources Management in June. She was recognized
for her role in the design and implementation of the Archival
Preservation System (APS), which copies electronic records from
government agencies onto certified media for long-term preservation,
and captures technical and physical information about them.
- Katherine L. ("K") Walter, Chair of
the Serials Department at the University of Nebraska Library in
Lincoln, has been appointed as the National Consultant to the
AMIGOS Preservation Service Advisory Council. She has developed
statewide preservation plans for the states of Kansas and Nebraska,
and played a key role in getting a permanent paper law passed
in Nebraska.
- Abby Shaw, formerly with Archivart, has taken
the position of Director of Marketing for Conservation Resources
International, of Springfield, Virginia. Abby will continue to
work out of her Philadelphia office: 237 Fitzwater St., Philadelphia,
PA 19147 (800/639-8422, fax 215/625-8489).
- Stella Patri was 100 years old on November 2.
She was one of a number of Americans, many of them bookbinders,
who went to Florence to help with recovery of museum artifacts
and rare books when the Arno overflowed in November 1966. She
closed her San Francisco bookbindery and retired about ten years
- Thomas O. "Tuck" Taylor, who has been
supplying archival grade protective pouches to the preservation
field for years through Taylor Made Company, announced his retirement
in June in a letter to friends and customers that began, "I
realized I was pushing my luck and age when my eldest son announced
his retirement earlier in the year. And one of our employees announced
his retirement because of increasing arthritis problems."
Most of the business will be sold, but he will continue to supply
the hobby markets. Institutional orders can be sent to Atlantic
Protective Pouches in Tom's River, NJ (908/240-9194).
- Marilyn Kemp Weidner was awarded the University
Products award last June for distinguished achievement in the
field of conservation. She taught in the Cooperstown program in
the early 1970s; in 1977 she founded and directed the Conservation
Center for Art and Historic Artifacts in Philadelphia. Her acceptance
speech and a report of the award ceremony is in the AIC News for September 1996.
- Mark Andersson, graduate of the North Bennet
Street School bookbinding program, and book conservator at the
University of Washington, received a Fulbright Grant for the study
of Scandinavian bookbinding and conservation. He is currently
studying in the conservation lab at Uppsala University with Per
Cullhed and will return to Seattle next July.
- Fred Glazier, State Librarian of West Virginia,
is the person who arranged for UNESCO's RAMP documents to be made
available in the United States a few years ago. He was fired April
22 on short notice and without explanation by the West Virginia
Library Commission. His accomplishments over the last 24 years
in office are reviewed and statements of support are published
in the June/July American Libraries, p. 19 and 21. Glazer
filed suit July 24 in Kanawha County Circuit Court to challenge
his dismissal. Details in the September American Libraries,
p. 17.
- Eileen Usovicz, formerly operations manager with
MAPS (Mid-Atlantic Preservation Service), has opened a preservation
microfilming consultancy in Kansas City: CBR Consulting Services,
Inc., which offers consulting, workshops, training and exposure
testing tools. Her telephone number is 816/444-8246, and e-mail
is LeeMAPS1@aol.com.