The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 20, Number 8
Dec 1996

More Web Sites & E-mail Addresses

Jim Wheeler sent in these web sites in December:






and he provided the following information:

Both ANSI and SMPTE have listings of standards. National Media Lab has information on the life of tapes and CDs. The AMIA web site is temporary but they are working on a permanent web page. The AMIA manual, "Videotape Care and Handling-A Basic Guide for the Archivist" is nearly ready to publish. The CD information web site is operated by Katherine Cochrane, who is quite knowledgeable.

ICOM (International Council of Museums) used to have two e-mail addresses, one for official announcements (ICOM-ANNOUNCE) and one for discussion among members (ICOM-L). They have been merged by making ICOM-ANNOUNCE a topical subdivision of ICOM-L. All members will continue to get the same material they did before the reorganization.

A web site for security in museums, libraries and all kinds of institutions has just been set up:, the Museum Security Network. As with all or most web sites that have material of interest to preservation people, links to it have been set up from Conservation OnLine (CoOL). Look for it under Conservation Resources, at the pages for Other Sites and Disasters. CoOL is at

The European Union (EU) has a web site (, where one can find information on standards, the EU-US partnership, EU news, academic programs, reference services, business resources and more.

FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) has updated and improved its home page link, "Help After a Disaster." Articles about coping with flood-damaged property, including one on salvaging books, are now arranged alphabetically by subject, and can be accessed by clicking on the subject. The link can be accessed at <>, according the Council Update (from NIC) for Winter 1997.

The Preservation Administration Discussion Group is establishing a listserv to facilitate discussion about library preservation management issues, Barbara Berger announced in February. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to

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