Volume 20, Number 8
Dec 1996
The New York State Program for Conservation &
Preservation of Library Research Materials
by Joseph F. Shubert
This paper was presented at the US-USSR Seminar on Access to
Library Resources through Technology and Preservation, 5-8 June
1988, Washington, DC. At that time the author was State Librarian
and Assistant Commissioner for Libraries. He retired last year,
but the state preservation program he set in motion 15 years ago
The New York State Library, established in 1818, has faced preservation
crises over its 170 years, including those resulting from poor
housing of its collections in inadequate space and a disastrous
fire. Space was a problem as early as the 1840s (resulting in
construction of a building to house its collections in 1854) and
in the 1890s and again in the 1960s. In 1911, the Library's book
and journal collections were destroyed by fire but, fortunately,
manuscripts and papers escaped. Today's crisis
in preservation lies largely in the steady deterioration of collections
because of acidic paper.
Similar preservation problems are faced by other major research
libraries, and in 1982 the heads of eleven research libraries
and I met over a period of months to develop legislation which
would provide funds to help these, and other, libraries move quickly
in addressing the preservation problem. I will describe the program
that resulted from those meetings. Before doing so, it is useful
to see the role of the New York State Library in relation to other
libraries in the State and to the preservation problems faced
by libraries in the state.
Role of the New York State Library
The New York State Library, which is part of the State Education
Department, has two major divisions: a research library and a
division of library development. The research library has a
collection of more than two million volumes and millions of
microforms, newspapers, maps, manuscripts, and other documents. It
is the largest of the 50 state libraries in the nation, and has
pioneered the use of technology so that today its online catalog is
available in 211 legislative offices, library systems and other
libraries across the state.The library development division works
with some 7,000 libraries throughout the State to achieve our goal
that every resident of New York State should enjoy timely and free
access, through local libraries working within library systems, to a
full range of information resources and service, provided without
restriction of censorship or violation of privacy. The Division
administers state and federal aid for libraries, oversees public
libraries, and advises and assists libraries of all types (public,
academic, school, hospital, corporate, and special). Most of the
assistance is provided through systems of libraries which are in
large part supported by the State and through grants for particular
objectives or services. Since 1984 one of the grant programs has
been for the conservation and preservation of research
The 1984 and 1986 LegislationIn 1983 we proposed that the
State each year provide funds for four purposes: (1) basic grants
of $90,000 annually to the eleven designated comprehensive research
libraries; (2) $1 million annually for these libraries for collective
action in preserving materials; (3) $1 million for grants to other
libraries and depositories, regardless of size or location, for
preservation of endangered unique research resources; and (4)
an office in the Division of Library Development to "identify
the conservation and preservation needs of libraries within the
state, to assess the technology available for such conservation
and preservation, and to coordinate the conservation and preservation
efforts...." The law was enacted,
without full funding, in 1984 and additional funding was approved
in 1986. We currently have $1.8 million annually for the program
and are working to increase the funds to $3 million annually.Funds
for the office require annual appropriations as part of the Education
Department operating expense. These funds have been too limited
to accomplish the program objectives, and the National Endowment
for the Humanities and the Mellon Foundation have granted funds
to strengthen the education and technical assistance services
of the office.
Program AccomplishmentsSince 1984, we have granted $5.5 million
for preservation in the eleven comprehensive research libraries
and $1.7 million for all other libraries. We have an education
program that encourages preservation planning at the institutional
level, disaster preparedness, and public awareness of preservation
needs.As a result of this program, each comprehensive research
library has prepared a five-year plan for preservation. Most
have reorganized or created preservation offices. The total number
of staff engaged in preservation activities has increased from
83 to 203. Total preservation expenditures increased 47 percent,
between 1984 and 1986 (from $4.6 million to $6.8 million). Important
collections and materials have been preserved through microfilming
and conservation treatment.Most of the grant funds in the eleven
libraries have been expended for physical treatment (41 percent),
preservation microfilming (20 percent), identifying and screening
materials for preservation (11 percent), and such other projects
as environmental controls, disaster preparedness, and staff and
user education (28 percent).Recorded as well as print and manuscript
material has been preserved. For instance, the Library of Natural
Sounds at Cornell University has copied onto new tape almost 3,000
recordings representing 144 hours of recorded material, including
African bird calls, meetings and speeches of the American Labor
Party and over 30 years of broadcasts by New York City's municipal
radio station.This year seven of the research libraries are beginning
an effort to preserve 2,100 New York historic transportation and
city street maps. The preserved maps will be fully cataloged
in OCLC and RLIN and the project will publish a checklist of them.In
the discretionary grant program aiding "all other libraries"
we have authorized 116 projects at 78 libraries, archives, historical
societies, museums, and other institutions. These grants have
enabled institutions to improve environmental conditions, microfilm
deteriorating materials, preserve early sound recordings, and
treat maps, photographs, posters, manuscripts and other materials.Materials
preserved have included pre-revolutionary land company records,
photographs from North Pacific expeditions from 1897 to 1903 which
trace the relations between the early inhabitants of America and
Asia, Eugene O'Neill manuscripts, and a collection of Yiddish
children's literature. A grant helped in the preservation of
the 1850-1950 archives of the Steinway piano factory, materials
which uniquely document the history of American immigration and
unionization.Grant recipients have entered bibliographic information
on all preserved materials into a national database, assuring
that other libraries and scholars know of the availability of
the materials preserved. We require public access to preserved
materials.Experience in the program is proving useful in development
of standards. For instance, as a result of the grants, Cornell
University and three other libraries formed a consortium that
has fostered further emphasis on preservation standards for recorded
sound. A grant assisted The Rochester Institute of Technology
in developing a test to show the relative resistance of microfilms
to attack by atmospheric oxidants. The test method has proved
reproducible and several photographic manufacturing companies
will use it to improve microfilm technology.
Other DevelopmentsLibrary preservation emerged throughout
a report and discussion at a May 1986 conference on "Our
Memory at Risk; Preserving New York's Unique Research Resources."
The conference was the culmination of a 1982-1983 New York Document
Conservation Administration Training and Planning Program conducted
by the New York State Library Archives and the State Library with
the help of a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The program focussed on preservation needs for historical records
and unique research materials.Four other states (Illinois, Maine,
New Hampshire, and New Jersey) have established programs roughly
based upon the New York model. The grants from the National Endowment
for the Humanities and the Mellon Foundation are intended to produce
experience and materials useful to other states. In April 1988
we produced a one-hour teleconference, "Fighting Slow Fires,"
broadcast through the State by nine television stations. Some
50,000 persons are estimated to have watched the program, and
more than 40 people from throughout the State telephoned questions
to the panelists during the course of the hour.Grant funds helped
Columbia University Libraries produce a 15-minute videotape which
can be used by libraries and schools to train staff and users
in the proper handling of books.In cooperation with the Northeast
Document Conservation Center and library systems, we have begun
a series of disaster preparedness workshops and will produce a
disaster planning guidebook.Observations on the ProgramThe program
has been remarkably successful in:
- aiding those libraries in which preservation has been a
priority of the administration and adequate planning has been
- encouraging library administrators to initiate preservation
programs and re-examine their preservation priorities;
- providing a stable base for the preservation program in
several of the comprehensive research libraries when retrenchment
threatened all programs;
- focusing attention on preservation needs, and producing
information useful to librarians and the public; and
- providing instruction needed by small institutions which
have deteriorating materials and are interested in applying for
grants.Experience also has shown that:
- A program of this magnitude requires more administrative
and technical staff than most administrators foresee.
- Many people looking for technological magic in conservation
need to think first about such simple steps as better staff and
user education programs, correcting environmental deficiencies,
and developing clear collection policies.
- The public is genuinely concerned about the specter of
losing a large part of our cultural and intellectual heritage.
- It is difficult to quantify and cost out preservation needs
at the State level because of imprecise information about collections,
the condition of holdings, duplication of holdings, unpredictability
of future use patterns, and because of the cost of obtaining analysis
of such data.
- Cooperative efforts in preservation projects require more
time and compromise than some administrators believe worthwhile.
- The bibliographic networks are an effective means of avoiding
inadvertent duplication of effort.
- Preservation problems don't stop at state or national boundaries.
What we preserve is important to libraries far beyond New York
State; what those libraries pre-serve and how they do it is important
to us; and the prospect of an expanded Federal commitment through
the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Technical Library
Services and Construction Act is encouraging libraries.Four years
of experience with the program shows that a coordinated approach
to preservation, in which institutional, state aid, Federal, foundation,
and other funds are integrated is an important part of assuring
access by scholars of today and the future.