Volume 21, Number 5
- Elise Thall Calvi began at the University of Maryland in
November as Assistant Department Head/Brittle Materials and
Reformatting Unit Head.
- Yvonne Carignan became Preservation Department Head at the
University of Maryland last summer, after working for three years as
acting and assistant department head.
- Ellen Cimini is now the direct mail manager for Oryx Press in
Phoenix, Arizona.
- Susan Dalton resigned her position with the American Film
Institute June 6 and is now doing archival cataloging and consulting
in Iowa. She can be contacted at 319/363-8611 or by e-mail:
sdalton@mcleodusa.net. AMIA NL Fa
- Shelly Fletcher, Head of Paper Conservation at the National
Gallery of Art (Washington, DC), was awarded the Rome Prize. She is
spending six months in Italy studying Andrea Mantegna engravings.
(Sep. Wash. Cons.G. NL)
- Gary Frost had a one-man show at the Center for Book Arts in New
York last fall (Oct. 23 to Dec. 6): "Explorer of Book Structure
& Action." It had four themes: craft, art, library science and
the future of hand bookbinding. The exhibit is described and
illustrated on the front page of Koobstra, the Center
for Book Arts' newsletter, for Fall 1997.
- Fred Glazer, who served as director of the West Virginia Library
Commission for 24 years, died December 8 of kidney failure. His
many accomplishments are described on p. 36 of the January 1998
American Libraries. One accomplishment, not mentioned
in that notice, dealt with preservation: arranging personally for
Unesco's PGI (General Information Programme) documents, including
the RAMP Studies, to be distributed in the United States by the West
Virginia Library Commission. (Unfortunately, Unesco does not send
the RAMP Studies to West Virginia very often.) Am Libs Ja98
- Meg Brown is the collections conservator at the
University of Kansas; Ethel Hellman is the University of
Maryland's first professional conservator; and Whitney Pape
is the special collections librarian and preservation officer at
Oberlin College in Ohio. All three are grads of PCS at the
University of Texas.
- Murray Lebwohl has retired from paper conservation and will be
selling all equipment and supplies, including a large quantity of
genuine new pith paper (3" wide and up to 30" long). He says the
pith paper is not expensive, and he will sell it in any amount,
large or small. His address is 1212 I Street, Alexandria, VA
22307-1454, and his telephone is 703/768-1768.
- Miranda Martin, who in recent years has worked in the Harry
Ransom Humanities Research Center laboratory and taught a section of
the paper conservation course at the Conservation and Preservation
Studies program at the University of Texas, is now a Fellow of the
American Institute for Conservation. She works as a paper
conservator at the National Archives and Records Administration.
- Ursula Mitra, formerly at the Frick Art Reference Library, took
a new job in October as Conservator in the Preservation Department
of Bobst Library at New York University. Her new address is New
York University Libraries, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, 70 Washington
Square South, New York, NY 10012-1091 (212/998-2562, e-mail
mitra@elmer4.bobst.nyu.edu.) GBW NLp.2
- Karen Pavelka became a full-time member of the faculty of
Preservation and Conservation Studies at the University of Texas
library school in September. She is a senior lecturer in
conservation of library and archival materials. She had been
teaching paper conservation there as an adjunct lecturer since 1994.
Alumni News Oct
- Lorraine Perrotta has been appointed Acquisitions Librarian at
the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA. (RBMS NL Fa97)
- Roberta Pilette is now working at the New York Public Library as
Associate Chief, Preservation Treatment, Preservation Division. Her
temporary phone number at work is 212/930-0663, and her e-mail
address is rpilette@nypl.org.
- Harold Plenderleith, a prominent member of the international
group of conservators who founded the International Institute for
Conservation in 1950, died Nov. 2 at the age of 99. He was Keeper
of the British Museum Research Laboratory from 1949 to 1959, and
first director of the "Rome Center," now known as ICCROM, 1959 to
1971. His obituary begins on the front page of the IIC
Bulletin for December 1997.
- Mark Pollei has been appointed Chief Conservator of the Rare
Book Conservation Laboratory at Brigham Young University, effective
September 1997.
- Ann Seibert of the Library of Congress and Dianne van der Reyden
of CAL taught a six-week ICCROM course on "Conservation of Paper in
Archives" in 1994 and 1996 in Chile. Their experience is described
in the ICCROM Newsletter for September 1997.
- Jan and Jarmila Sobota, creative bookbinders who left
Czechoslovakia before the Berlin Wall fell and made their way to the
U.S. thirteen years ago, have moved back to their native country.
Their address is: Radnicni 1, 357 33 Loket, Czech Republic (ph. 42
168/684 154; e-mail sobota@mbox.vol.cz). They expect to return to
the U.S. for visits "often."
- Third-year Winterthur/University of Delaware students
majoring in paper conservation are serving the following
Dana Hemmenway - HRHRC and The Better Image
Dana Tepper - Princeton University Preservation Office and The
Better Image
Jodie Utter - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (AIC
- Third-year students at the University of Texas
Preservation and Conservation Studies program consulted at the
following institutions and organizations last summer as part of
their training: Heather Caldwell - Austin History Center
Baker - Southwestern Kansas Regional Disaster Preparedness
Alexandra Botelho - George Eastman House,
International Museum for Photography
Liz Dube - Carlsbad Caverns
National Park Site
Laura Larkin - UT-Austin Architectural
Drawings Collection
Tina Mason - University of the South
Holly Moore - University of Minnesota Law Library Alum
News p. 6, Oct.