The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 21, Number 8


SAA Moves, But Not Far

The Society of American Archivists' headquarters has moved to the recently renovated Hunter Building at 527 S. Wells St., just three blocks from its former location. It takes up the entire fifth floor and has onsite storage of publications, a big conference room, a lunchroom and a central computer room with a communications area for laser printers, fax machine and a photocopier.

The complete address is:

527 W. Wells St., 5th Floor
Chicago, IL 60607
312/922-0140, fax 312/347-1452

Fulbright Scholar Applications Invited

Opportunities to teach, do research or pursue related activities are open for library and information science professionals this year in the following countries: Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Hungary, India, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Ukraine, and United Kingdom--as well as in the many countries that invite professionals in "any field." A total of over 700 grants are offered in nearly 130 countries for the 1999-2000 academic year.

The deadline to submit an application is August 1, 1998, with a few exceptions. For information contact the USIA Fulbright Senior Scholar Program, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 3007 Tilden St., NW, Suite 5L, Washington, DC 20008-3009 (202/686-7877, e-mail <>), or visit their web site for a complete listing of available awards:

Metal Edge Inc. Now Ships From East Coast Too

Metal Edge Inc.'s archival storage materials (boxes & enclosures) can now be shipped from the east coast as well as the west coast. Larry Gates has opened a warehouse and shipping facility in the Washington, DC, area operated in cooperation with Cindy Mowery of Bookmakers Inc.

Titanium Dioxide Can Detoxify and Disinfect

Titanium dioxide plays many useful roles, according to an article in the March 21 Science News. It not only whitens paints, puddings and paper, but acts as a powerful catalyst to decompose crude oil and defog mirrors. Now Japanese scientists have found that it can kill germs and disarm their poisons (endotoxins). Normally, eliminating endotoxins calls for caustic chemicals or heating to 250°C for at least 30 minutes. Disinfecting and detoxifying titanium dioxide-coated surfaces with the aid of UV radiation takes about an hour. This approach to sanitation is being used in Japanese hospital operating rooms and in public rest rooms, where it helps control both bacteria and noxious odors.

IPI No Longer Provides Polysulfide Treatment

Meg Bellinger of Preservation Resources in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania ( says that they can provide polysulfide treatment for microfilm. The Image Permanence Institute, which no longer provides this service, has worked with Preservation Resources in providing this treatment, and has agreed to certify it The following wording is used:

The Image Permanence Institute (IPI) certifies that they have performed the necessary Hydrogen Peroxide Incubation and Dichromate Bleach Tests, as specified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), on film provided by Preservation Resources. This film was treated with polysulfide created by Preservation Resources, and the test results prove that the correct conversion rate has been achieved.

The film tested meets all criteria for archival microfilm according to oxidation standards developed by the Image Permanence Institute and the American National Standards Institute."

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