Volume 22, Number 7-8
- Craig Jensen has accepted a position at Acme Bookbinding as Vice
President for Imaging. He will be working for Acme out of his home
in Austin, Texas, so his business address is 6112 Janey Dr., Austin,
TX 78757 (512/451-6370; craig@acmebook.com).
- David Gracy has been appointed Interim Director of Preservation
and Conservation Studies at the University of Texas library school.
Karen Motylewski, the PCS Director until recently has accepted a
position as Research Officer, in the Office of the Director at the
Institute of Museum and Library Services.
- Tina Mason has joined SOLINET as a Preservation Field Service
Officer. She is a recent graduate of the University of Texas
library school, with an Advanced Certificate in Conservation. She
recently completed a book and paper internship at the Smithsonian
Institution Libraries.