The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 23, Number 1


Stephanie Watkins, formerly senior conservator and head of conservation services for the Missouri State Archives, joined the staff of the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center at the University of Texas in Austin last year.

Kerry McInnis, an Australian who served an 18-month internship at the Library of Congress and CCAHA around 1980, opened her own paper conservation lab ("Art and Archival") about 15 years ago in Canberra. She describes the founding and maturing of her business in the AICCM National Newsletter No. 70, March 1999.

Donald Waters, Director of the Digital Library Federation since 1997 and coauthor of Preserving Digital Information, Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information, will go to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in July to serve as the program officer for scholarly communication.

Jim Canary has been working in Tibet as part of the Tibetan Archive Preservation Project, doing a preservation survey in the Tibet Autonomous Region Archives. In order to get high quality paper for repair work, the project has persuaded retired master papermakers to teach young Tibetans the art of papermaking, which has been dying out. Articles on this and related matters can be found in the Paper Road Newsletter: Tibet 1999, a project of the Crossing Over Consortium, a 501(c)(3) organization for the promotion and education about the culture of paper, prints, and the book arts, whose e-mail address is

Harry Campbell, Senior Conservator at Etherington Conservation Center, has taken on the role of developing the Document Reproduction Services there, as the demand is growing. The center is a part of Image Conservation, Inc., a library binding company, better known as ICI.

Ursula Mitra has set up a private practice in Library and Archives Conservation after five years at the Frick Art Reference Library and one and a half years at NYU Bobst Library. She is a graduate of the Library and Archives Conservation Program at Columbia University. She can be reached at her studio: 720 Monroe St., #E5-12, Hoboken, NJ 07030 (201/795-2261) or at home: 9 Pomander Walk, New York, NY 10025 (212/663-2371, e-mail:

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