The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 23, Number 3


Lisa L. Fox has joined the Missouri State Archives as Senior Conservator. She founded the SOLINET Preservation Program in 1985, taught more than 165 workshops nationwide on preservation issues, and has edited several preservation titles, including "Preservation Microfilming: A Guide for Librarians & Archivists."

Ethel Hellman joined Harvard College Library on August 9, as the Collections Conservator for Widener Library. She is a graduate of the Preservation and Conservation Studies program at the University of Texas and has completed three conservation internships. She was most recently Collections Conservator/Program Manager at the University of Maryland in College Park.

Peter Jermann, who announced the opening of his new company on page 24 in the last issue, would like to correct the e-mail address he sent in with that announcement. It should have been:

Peter Verheyen is back at the Syracuse University Library as "Special Collections Preservation & Access Librarian/Conservator." Prior to his returning to Syracuse he was the Archival Product Manager at Gaylord Brothers.

Stephen Chapman, Preservation Librarian for Digital Projects at Harvard University Library, was the recipient of ALCTS's 1999 Esther J. Piercy Award.

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