The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 25, Number 5
Feb 2002


Indiana Historical Society

Responsible for the treatment of rare or unique historic documents (bound and unbound) and works of art on paper in the collections of the Library Division. Work is done in a new, state-of-the-art, 2,000 sq. ft. paper and book lab with a large resource library and private office space.

Responsibilities include: In consultation with Curators, examine and analyze collection materials, document items through written and photographic means, develop and write treatment reports, and perform treatment in a timely fashion. Manage in-coming materials in purpose-built 1500 sq. ft. segregation and examination area. Train and supervise Conservation Technician and interns. Maintain condition survey program of maps, broadside; graphic works, including architectural works, Cirkut photographs, and pamphlets. Establish needs assessment for bound materials. Serve on Disaster Response Team and act as director of department in absence of the Director of Conservation, especially in the event of an emergency to collections.

Applicants should have demonstrated excellence performing a broad range of complex conservation treatments with an ability to manage task at hand and complete work in a timely fashion. Position requires ability to work with stereomicroscope and perform all phases of examination of original work along with experience and ability to document treatments in written and photographic form. Must be able to work well with other professionals and support staff and have experience in training and supervising subordinate staff. Working knowledge of the Windows environment, including word-processing, database management, E-mail, and Web browsers also necessary.

Required: Graduate degree from a recognized training program in paper and/or book conservation. Minimum of three years experience beyond graduate program training in recognized, formal conservation facility. Competitive pay and excellent benefits package.

Send a letter of application, resume, names, current addresses and telephone numbers of three professional references to:

Susan P. Brown
Director, Human Resources
Indiana Historical Society
450 W. Ohio Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Fax: 317-234-0076

Applications accepted until position is filled.


U.S. Jobs Announced in Other Publications
Within the last four months

Job Employer Month
Chief, Conservation Division Library of Congress November
Getty Internship in Paper Conservation Cornell University Library December
Conservation Internship New York Academy of Medicine Library January
Head of Preservation/Chief Preservation Officer Yale University Library January
Andrew W. Mellon Conservation Fellowship The Huntington Library January
Assistant Paper Conservator Northeast Document Conservation Center January
Moving Image Preservation Specialist New York University January
Preventive Conservation Internship Library of Congress January
Adv. Paintings & Paper Internships Intermuseum Conservation Assoc., Oberlin OH January
Preservation Microfilm Apprentice American Theological Library Association (ATLA) January
Book Conservator Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts January
Painting Conservator & Paper Conservator Queen's University, Ontario, Canada January
Chief Conservator The Boston Athenaeum January
Director of Collections Digitization Wadsworth Athenaeum Museum of Art February
Preservation Librarian S. Illinois University February
Summer Conservation Internship Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis February
Collection Conservator N. Carolina State University Libraries February

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