The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 26, Number 1
Jun 2002


Cathy Baker presented the lecture: Dard Hunter's Legacy: Understanding Craft Through Practice on Wednesday, April 10, 2002 for the Ninth Annual Mitchell Lecture on the Art of the Book at the University of Iowa Center for the Book. Her presentation focused on the research for her publication on Dard Hunter and also included the importance of hands-on experience when studying the history of book and paper.

Christine W. Ward has been named Asting State Archivist and Acting Executive Officer of the Archives Partnership Trust until a successor to former State Archivist V. Chapman-Smith has been selected. She joined the Archives in 1981 and has assumed increasing levels of responsibility in the organization, eventually rising to become Director of Operations in December 2000. She has garnered numerous awards and citations in her career, including being named a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists.

Roberta "Bobbie" Pilette will become the Head of Preservation and Chief Preservation Officer at Yale on September 30. She is now serving as Acting Aaron and Clara Greenhut Rabinowitz Chief Librarian for Preservation at the New York Public Library. She is also an experienced conservator, with substantial experience at Columbia University, the New York Historical Society, and other organizations. She has also had her own private conservation practice in New York City, and has taught conservation at Columbia University and the University of Texas at Austin.

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