The Federal Emergency Management Agency has released guidelines for its FY 2003 Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Grant Program.
What is the PDM Grant Program? In 2003, FEMA will provide Pre-Disaster Mitigation funds to Tribes, States and communities to implement hazard mitigation planning and mitigation construction projects prior to a disaster event. Approximately $131.5 million will be available in the form of competitive grants, technical assistance, and program support; there is a $3 million federal share cap per mitigation project.
Who is eligible? State emergency management agencies, other state-level agencies, federally recognized tribal governments and local governments are eligible. Although nonprofit organizations are not eligible for direct grants, they may ask their local governments to submit applications on their behalf.
What activities are eligible for funding? Funds should be used primarily for mitigation activities that address natural hazards, but multi-hazard projects and plans may also address hazards caused by non-natural events. A priority has been placed on projects that address National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) repetitive flood loss properties. PDM grants are available for two types of activities: mitigation planning activities and mitigation projects.
Mitigation Planning Activities include: Development of risk assessment for mitigation plans, including some mapping activities; planning assistance, and delivery of planning workshops.
Mitigation Projects include: Acquisition or relocation of hazard-prone property; structural and non-structural retrofitting of existing buildings and facilities; localized flood control projects; and minor structural hazard control or protection, including vegetation, storm water, and shoreline/landslide management.
When to apply: About 10 months from now. Grant guidelines have been released recently, so time is short. Potential sub-applicants should consult their State Hazard Mitigation Officer for more information on the application process. Grant applications must be received by the appropriate FEMA regional office by midnight Eastern time, October 6.
For further information:
FEMA Regional Offices and State Emergency Management Offices:
Complete PDM guidelines: