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There are just under 300 outdoor sculptures in Oklahoma, and half of them need treatment. Oklahoma has the largest Native American population of any state, and there are about 15 outdoor sculptures with Native American themes.

Before Oklahoma became a state, it was known as the Indian Territory. Native Americans of the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Seminole) in the eastern part of the United States were forced to move to the Indian Territory in the 1820s and 1830s, many on the Trail of Tears. Later, other tribes from the Western Plain states were also moved to the Indian Territory.

The state motto is "the Sooner State" and comes from the opening of part of the territory to white settlers in 1889. Some settlers were so anxious to get the best land that they entered the settlement area before the official government deadline and were nicknamed the Sooners by those who waited.

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