Big 11 Pilot Directory

Binghamton University

5. Optional Narrative Description

Please provide a brief narrative description of the preservation program, and describe specific preservation projects being undertaken by the Library and their anticipated duration.

Binghamton University

Binghamton's is a very small, new unit in which nobody works full-time at preservation. Inhouse preservation consists of book repair, encapsulation, pam, binding, a brittle books program, environmental monitoring, staff instruction as needed and disaster preparedness, paperbacks are stiffened by a commercial binder, Books which must be rebound, boxed or photocopied for preservation replacement are also sent to the binder. All microfilming is vendored out, as is any conservation of valuable books or documents. Because the University is only 50 years old, a large percentage of the Libraries' collections are printed on acidic paper. This means that organized and regular processing of brittle books is an important part of the preservation program. In addition, the circulating collections are heavily used by undergraduates, and there are relatively few titles in multiple copies. Since many of the books take quite a beating, book repair, pam binding and processing books for rebinding account for most of the Preservation staff's time.

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