Book and Paper Group Annual
Volume 22 2003
The American Institute for Conservation

Volume 22


Paper History During the Golden Age in Fabriano, Using Illustrations from the Zonghi Historical Archive in Fabriano and the Rare Book and Special Collections of the Library of Congress (abstract)
Sylvia R. Albro

Solvent-Set Book Repair Tissue
Priscilla R. Anderson
Alan Puglia

Historical and Scientific Analysis on Sizing Materials Used in Iranian Manuscripts and Miniature Paintings
Mandana Barkeshli

What Treatment Means: Interviewing Curators, Collectors, Dealers, Art Historians, and Conservators
Elizabeth I. Coombs

Big Paper, Big Problems: Preservation Issues of Large Format Works on Paper (abstract)
Michelle S. Facini
Debra Evans

Second Generation Wet Paper Pulping
Patricia D. Hamm

Magnesium Reconsidered
Holly H. Krueger

A Brief Personal History of a Conservator of Art on Paper in the United Kingdom: 1959-2003
Jane McAusland

Think Back--Do You Remember When ... ? (abstract)
Bill Minter

History of Japanese Paper Conservation in the U.S. (abstract)
Yoshiyki Nishio

Cellulose Acetate Lamination at the National Archives Part 1: The Louisiana Purchase Documents, a Case Study
Susan Page

Cellulose Acetate Lamination at the National Archives Part 2: Analysis of Laminated Documents Using Solid-Phase Microextraction
Mark Ormsby

Considering the Choices for Aqueous Treatments of Iron-Gall Ink: Treatment Decisions in Light of Current and Past Research and the Case of the Calligraphic Lord's Prayer at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (abstract)
Susan M. Peckham
Pamela J. Young

Pretty in Pink: The Treatment of a Saint-M�min Drawing
Theresa Voellinger Shockey

Similar Problems, Different Solutions: The Treatments of Two Mexican Incunabula, Part 1: Treatment of a Psalterium
April P. Smith

Similar Problems, Different Solutions: The Treatments of Two Mexican Incunabula, Part 2: Treatment of the Graduale Dominicale of Pedro Ocharte, 1576
Mary P. Wootton

Archives Conservators Discussion Group: Humidification and Flattening
Nora Lockshin, moderator
Kristen St. John, moderator

Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group: Security
Ethel E. Hellman, moderator
Meg Brown, moderator

Use of Adhesives on Leather Discussion
Mod:Gillian Boal
Consuela Metzger, moderator
Deborah Howe, moderator

Evolution In Inpainting Discussion
Judy Walsh, moderator

Vivak: An Alternative to Conventional Plexiglas and Museum Board for Exhibition Mounts
Rhea Baier

Big Paper, Big Problems: Solid Support Options for the Mounting and Display of Large Format Works on Paper
Stephanie Lussier
Michelle S. Facini

In Search of a Remedy: History of Treating Iron-Gall Ink at the Library of Congress
Linda Stiber Morenus

So Tasteful: A Note about Iron-Gall Ink
Christine A. Smith

Storage of Architectural Materials
Peter Verheyen
Carolyn Davis
Debra Olson