The American Institute for
Volume 22
- Paper History During the Golden Age in Fabriano, Using Illustrations
from the Zonghi Historical Archive in Fabriano and the Rare Book and
Special Collections of the Library of Congress (abstract)
- Sylvia R. Albro
- Solvent-Set Book Repair Tissue
- Priscilla R. Anderson
- Alan Puglia
- Historical and Scientific Analysis on Sizing Materials Used in Iranian
Manuscripts and Miniature Paintings
- Mandana Barkeshli
- What Treatment Means: Interviewing Curators, Collectors, Dealers, Art
Historians, and Conservators
- Elizabeth I. Coombs
- Big Paper, Big Problems: Preservation Issues of Large Format Works on
Paper (abstract)
- Michelle S. Facini
- Debra Evans
- Second Generation Wet Paper Pulping
- Patricia D. Hamm
- Magnesium Reconsidered
- Holly H. Krueger
- A Brief Personal History of a Conservator of Art on Paper in the United
Kingdom: 1959-2003
- Jane McAusland
- Think Back--Do You Remember When ... ? (abstract)
- Bill Minter
- History of Japanese Paper Conservation in the U.S. (abstract)
- Yoshiyki Nishio
- Cellulose Acetate Lamination at the National Archives Part 1: The
Louisiana Purchase Documents, a Case Study
- Susan Page
- Cellulose Acetate Lamination at the National Archives Part 2: Analysis
of Laminated Documents Using Solid-Phase Microextraction
- Mark Ormsby
- Considering the Choices for Aqueous Treatments of Iron-Gall Ink:
Treatment Decisions in Light of Current and Past Research and the Case
of the Calligraphic Lord's Prayer at the Colonial Williamsburg
Foundation (abstract)
- Susan M. Peckham
- Pamela J. Young
- Pretty in Pink: The Treatment of a Saint-M�min Drawing
- Theresa Voellinger Shockey
- Similar Problems, Different Solutions: The Treatments of Two Mexican
Incunabula, Part 1: Treatment of a Psalterium
- April P. Smith
- Similar Problems, Different Solutions: The Treatments of Two Mexican
Incunabula, Part 2: Treatment of the Graduale Dominicale of Pedro
Ocharte, 1576
- Mary P. Wootton
- Archives Conservators Discussion Group: Humidification and Flattening
- Nora Lockshin, moderator
- Kristen St. John, moderator
- Library Collections Conservation Discussion Group: Security
- Ethel E. Hellman, moderator
- Meg Brown, moderator
- Use of Adhesives on Leather Discussion
- Mod:Gillian Boal
- Consuela Metzger, moderator
- Deborah Howe, moderator
- Evolution In Inpainting Discussion
- Judy Walsh, moderator
- Vivak: An Alternative to Conventional Plexiglas and Museum Board for
Exhibition Mounts
- Rhea Baier
- Big Paper, Big Problems: Solid Support Options for the Mounting and
Display of Large Format Works on Paper
- Stephanie Lussier
- Michelle S. Facini
- In Search of a Remedy: History of Treating Iron-Gall Ink at the Library
of Congress
- Linda Stiber Morenus
- So Tasteful: A Note about Iron-Gall Ink
- Christine A. Smith
- Storage of Architectural Materials
- Peter Verheyen
- Carolyn Davis
- Debra Olson