h3>AIC Book and Paper Group Publishing Fund Guidelines


The Book and Paper specialty group of the American Institute for Conservation provides funds towards the preparation for publication of a completed monograph on an area of interest to the Book and Paper Group. Up to $3,000 will be awarded to defray the costs of the final preparation of the monograph, such as copy editing, indexing, and image reproduction rights. The funds for this grant are non-renewable and when the principle is depleted no more grants will be awarded.


If you choose to mail your application, five copies should be delivered to the AIC office by February 1 or September 1.

Electronic submissions are encouraged but not required. Important: you may submit your application electronically only if all of your materials (with the exception of letters of support) can be submitted electronically. Send the application form and all supporting materials in PDF (portable document format), RTF (rich text format) or Microsoft Word format. Name the files to include your last name ("smithcv.doc" or "smith.pdf"). Send the files as e-mail attachments to faicgrants@aic-faic.org. You should receive an e-mail receipt within 72 hours.

Letters of support may be submitted as email attachments to faicgrants@aic-faic.org, but must show a signature. Otherwise, letters must be mailed directly to the AIC office. All letters must be received by the deadline.

The applications will be reviewed and recommendations will be made to the FAIC board for final approval. Notification of awards will be made in mid-March and mid-October. Projects should take place six weeks to twelve months after the application deadline. Applicants must be current members of AIC.

Criteria for Review

  • Appropriateness of monograph topic to the purpose of the fund o Usefulness of project to the book and/or paper conservation field
  • Qualifications of applicant to complete project
  • Additional documentation pertaining to seriousness of project, such as other grants awarded for preparation of the monograph, publications and presentations on the topic, etc.)
  • Evidence of publisher interest or commitment to publishing the monograph
  • Appropriateness of budget for proposed project Final Report A final report is to be submitted to the AIC office within 30 days after the project completion. Report forms are available from the AIC office.

  • BPG Publications Committee Members

  • Olivia Primanis, Chair BPG Publications Committee
  • Walter Henry, CoOL Operator
  • Penley Knipe, BPG Chair
  • Renee Wolcott, Annual Compiler & Editor
  • Catherine I. Maynor, Paper Conservation Catalog Editor, paper edition
  • TBD, Paper Conservation Catalog Coordinator
  • Lynn Kidder, Co-coordinator, Wiki Book Conservation Catalogue
  • Christine McCarthy, Co-coordinator, Wiki Book Conservation Catalogue
  • Evan Knight, WIKI technical facilitator
  • Laura Bedford, Secretary, WIKI technical facilitator, volunteer organizer
  • Amy Baker, BPG Annual online
  • Bruce Bumbarger, liaison to AIC publications committee
  • Ruth Seylor, AIC Admin
  • Shannon Zachary, ex officio – BPR-PubCommm Chair and Annual Compiler & Editor
  • Karen Zukor, ex officio – BPR-PubCommm Chair
  • Jim Hinz, ex officio – Annual Compiler & Editor
  • Sue Murphy, ex officio BPG Chair