Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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cylinder machine

A papermaking machine which utilizes a wire curved around one or more cylinders or molds that are partially immersed and rotated in vats containing a dilute stock suspension. The pulp fibers cling to the wire and are formed into sheets on the cylinders as the water drains through and passes out at the ends of the cylinders. The wet sheet is couched off the cylinder onto a felt held against the cylinder by a couch roll. Cylinder machines consist of one of more cylinders, each of which forms a sheet composed of the same or different stocks. The multi-cylinder machine forms webs which are successively couched one upon the other before they enter the press section. This allows for considerable variation in thickness and weight of the finished sheet, as well as for the formation of bristols. The press section and the dry end of the cylinder machine are essentially the same as those of the FOURDRINIER MACHINE . The cylinder machine was invented in 1805 by the Englishman Joseph Bramah, and was improved considerably in 1808 by John Dickinson. In England it is called a "board machine," or "vat machine." (17 , 60 , 180 , 320 )

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