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Fw: Mistaken identity

I suspect some collector will want this!

Paul T. Jackson - Trescott Research
Information resources development
Publisher: New edition CD-ROM
                Pioneers in Brass by Glenn D. Bridges
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Allen Hoffman" <ahoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 1:52 PM
Subject: Mistaken identity

| If your library holds the title described below, you might want to listen
| to it and verify its contents.
| One of our faculty members checked out our copy of guitarist John Williams'
| 2-CD set, "The great guitar concertos" (CBS M2K 44791). He returned it,
| reporting that the CDs don't really contain guitar music at all.  At least
| not classical guitar.
| I spot-checked both CDs and found that in fact they were recordings of
| popular music. Out of curiosity, I took down some first lines and
| determined via an OCLC keyword search that one disc is Rosanne Cash's
| "King's record shop."  I was unable to identify the second disc, which is
| another recording of a female pop singer.  (I admit that I didn't spend a
| lot of time on this.)
| This is not a matter of discs being switched from different containers.
| The printing on the label of each disc matches the Williams/Guitar
| description on the case.
| The real Williams recording is a 1989 compilation consisting of previously
| released material.  We added the title to our collection just last year,
| and our system shows this to be the first use of the item.
| The vendor, BMG, has offered to send us a replacement, which we hope will
| really be John Williams playing guitar concertos.  But since our copy is
| probably not a unique mistake, I thought I'd send out an alert.  And I'd be
| interested to know if there are any others like this.
| Thanks.
| Allen Hoffman
| Eden-Webster Library
| 475 E. Lockwood
| St. Louis, MO 63119
| ahoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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