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1930,40s & 60s Radio programs

Dear Arclist Members,
I'm new to this list and relatively new to the world of audio research.  As
part of the research for a documentary film, I am looking for extant copies
of the following radio broadcasts:

1) WQXR (New York), October 25, 1942, 5pm: "World Peaceways Forum:  Should
Rudolph Hess Be Tried Now?"

2)  WHN (New York), August 1, 1935, 4pm: Varian Fry discusses his meeting
with Dr. Ernst Hanfstaengl

3) CBS Networks, March 23, 1935, 6:30pm (EST): Dr. Ernst Hanfstaengl
speaking on Hitler's aims

We have tried nearly ALL of the usual suspects (NARA, LC, Fred MacDonald &
Associates, Museums of Broadcasting in NY, Chicago, Texas, the Vincent
Voice Library and a few private collections.  I know the chances of these
having been recorded and preserved are minimal, but would appreciate any
suggestions you might have!

(Further information about our documentary is available at the website in
the closing below.)

Lewanne Jones
Director of Archival Research
The Varian Fry Documentary Project
Tel: 718-387-6471
Fax: 718-963-2603
E-mail: Lewanne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Visit the website for further information:

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