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RE: arsclist Re: Elgar and Menuhin

It's a Blumlein HB1 moving-coil microphone (the one which had the
electromagnetically generated field, rather than the permanent-magnet
introduced about 1934). However, the *recordings* made at that session
probably weren't done with Blumlein amplification or cutterheads; the
mirror-image swastika in the shellac indicates the Gramophone Company's
moving-iron system.
   Hope this helps,
Peter Copeland

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Squire [mailto:cjlocate@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 30 August 2001 08:44
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: arsclist Re: Elgar and Menuhin

There is a famous picture of Elgar and Menuhin with orchestra at Abbey Road
recording the Violin Concerto in 1932.  Can anybody tell me what microphone
they are using?


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