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Call for papers: ARSC conference 2002.

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) invites submissions of program proposals for its annual meeting in Santa Barbara, California, May 8-11, 2002. Please visit http://nico.library.ucsb.edu/arsc/ and click on the link under session proposals for the form to propose sessions that you think would be of interest to our community of collectors, historians, musicians, preservationists, and archivists.

This is the first ARSC annual conference to take place on the west coast for many years. Presentations focusing on recording in California and the west are encouraged and will be given special consideration.

Planners of the conference will be giving careful consideration to the inclusion of parallel sessions at this conference.

Proposals should be submitted to:

Sam Brylawski
ARSC 2nd Vice President
523 10th Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003-2807

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