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arsclist New ARSC journal

ARSC members should have received or will soon receive the latest issue of the ARSC Journal, vol 32, no. 2.

Articles include:

Duplicates of the Nineties and the National Phonograph Company's Bloc Numbered Series by Raymond R. Wile.

Copyright and Sound Recordings by Laura Gasaway.

Humorous Reflections on Laughing Records by Abigail Cooke.

A Matrix of America by Stephen Wade.

Also included are regular features including Research in Progress, Book Reviews, Sound Recording Reviews and Tim Brook's invaluable Current Bibliography, listing hundreds of recently published articles on recorded sound.

Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) PO Box 543 Annapolis, MD 21404-0543 http://www.arsc-audio.org/

For subscription instructions, see the ARSC home page
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