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Re: arsclist Digital knowledge preservation

From: "Steven Smolian" <smolians@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

If it has to be transferred again to give the listener fullest access to the
audio signal, it is not worth the effort to preserve it long-term in altered
form. ARSC should not be a party to this.

Steven Smolian

It is not really a question of whether ARSC should be a part of this. It is a question of whether the US government, which stores a great collection of recordings, should be a part of it. It is which format serves the American people the best. That format, without question, is an mp3 file on an internet web site. There is no valid reason for ARSC to stand in the way of this.

There is no great challenge to make a re-recording of a cylinder or 78rpm record in good condition. They were made to be played by the average idiot by the people that recorded and engineered them.

With a turntable, an amplifier and a CD recorder, any average person could be trained to archive the vast majority of commercial recordings in the possesion of the US government. Within 6 months time 1,000,000 acoustic recordings could be made available on the internet for the world to listen to.

Why not? Because ARSC should not be a party to it?

                                 Mike Loughlin

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