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Re: arsclist TDK audio cassettes

In a message dated 06/21/2002 3:56:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
MJONES@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

> Hi, 
>  I need to get in touch with people who have used  TDK audio cassettes, 
> models SASAX, MAX or ARX, for recording before December 1988. 
>  Any help would be appreciated.
>  Thanks. 
>  Margaret Jones

What kind of help do you need.

I have been using TDK CKEF106C C-120 cassettes for temporary recording for 
immediate listening in "Walkman" type players since the early 80s. Many have 
been through more than 100 record-play cycles. I am having no problems with 
them, through the life of many decks and players.

These were "duplicator master" cassettes in bulk packaging from a 
professional audio supplier.  I too would like to know where I can get more.

Mike Csontos

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