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Re: arsclist Dolby and unintended consequences

At 11:17 PM 6/25/2002 -0700, Richard L. Hess wrote:
Hi, Joe,

I didn't think so...but I could be wrong. I thought you could use your standard Dolby B processor for decoding it.

If you have an article, I'd really like to see it.

Of course you had to bandwidth limit and REALLY notch at 19kHz--that's why many reel and cassette decks and standalone Dolby B units had multiplex switches, but that was to avoid the pilot tone at 19kHz from falsely adjusting the Dolby--that's the only thing I can think of...but it's late.

(If you bottom-post, there's a better chance you will delete the irrelvant posts on the thread and the ads.)

I believe Dolby FM used the standard Dolby B but worked on the signal before de-emphasis. That may be the difference Joe thought of. Note that calibration was particularly critical; if the broadcaster did not provide a reference tone regularly and the listener did not use it (in particular, record it with the program), the sound degraded markedly.



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