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Re: CDs, was DATs, Was Re: arsclist Duplicating casette tapes

Mike Richter wrote:
> At 10:49 AM 8/10/2002 -0700, Richard L. Hess wrote:
> >When the AUDIO CD was introduced in whatever year at the AES, I recall
> >SONY marketing people using electric drills to randomly drill 1/8 inch
> >(~3mm) holes in CDs and showing how well they played.
> >
> >The "thing" that I've heard is that CD-ROM drives have one less layer of
> >audio error CORRECTION than Audio CD players, but yet I've also heard that
> >DATA is more robust than AUDIO.
> >
> >Informal experiments have borne this out. Perhaps I heard incorrectly and
> >the process that is missing from CDROM drives (even when playing audio
> >discs) is error CONCEALMENT.
> >
> >I would appreciate it if you could take some time and explain the layers
> >of CORRECTION and (obviously CONCEALMENT for audio only) that are
> >available on the CD and the DVD. I say the latter because people make
> >claims that the error CORRECTION on the DVD is 10X better than the CD.
> No doubt, Jerry will correct me when he has the opportunity, but you are
> conflating two issues.
> 1. There is one layer of error correction applied to data discs (Mode 1 or
> Mode 2, Form1) which is not used for CD-DA (audio) or for Mode 2 Form 2
> (VCD). Eliminating that substantial protection permits an additional 12% or
> so of recording time; the tradeoff is against increased probability of error.
> 2. In playback for analogue output, every CD drive applies error
> concealment to make up for missing or erroneous audio data. That
> interpolation does not apply to DAE - digital audio extraction.
> Mike
> mrichter@xxxxxxx
> http://www.mrichter.com/

Mike is correct. Mode 2/Form 1 is a CD-ROM XA format, while Mode 2 is a
CD-ROM format. The two are different.


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