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arsclist Fw: [MLA-L] housing audio tape reels

I'm forwarding this from the MLA-L for ARSC archivists.  Please reply to lfields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Paul T. Jackson - Trescott Research
Information & Library Development

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Leslie Fields" <lfields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: [MLA-L] housing audio tape reels

| My name is Leslie Fields and I am an associate curator at the Morgan
| Library in New York. I am writing with a question about housing audio
| tape reels. I have begun processing a collection that is primarily paper
| documents, but which also includes 14 seven inch audio reels and one
| smaller audio reel. I have seen several archival enclosures and boxes
| for sale that will allow these reels to be stored vertically. I also
| have seen polypropylene film containers for sale that could possibly be
| used to hold audio reels. What is the preferred method for housing audio
| tape reels? Is inert plastic a better choice than buffered board? Are
| there other options? Are there specific products and archival supply
| companies that you would recommend? Once these items are housed, how do
| you support the boxes or containers on their shelves? Do you put them in
| other boxes or is there a shelf design that can hold them in place?
| Thank you for your advice and assistance.
| Ms. Leslie Fields
| Associate Curator for the Gilder Lehrman Collection
| The Pierpont Morgan Library
| 29 East 36th Street
| New York, NY  10016
| TEL: 212 590-0337
| FAX: 212 685-4740
| lfields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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