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Re: arsclist Assistance for Armenian Ethnomusicology Archive

Mike Richter wrote:
> At 09:31 AM 10/29/2002 +0200, Joav Shdema wrote:
> ><<Equalization is a minor issue
> >
> >So we agree that for some everything is a minor issue, from electricity to
> >playback EQ. But for those who have never handled tapes before or used to do
> >so on a daily basis these are all major issues. What we take for granted is
> >a major PITA and a source of scare for others, I am sure. Operator who is
> >used to recorders can manipulate the medium in such ways that it works out
> >fine in any event but this is not true for anybody these days as in days of
> >the past.
> >I agree that any enthusiast can educate him/her self in that direction and
> >become proficient in this field too.
> Forgive my abbreviated response.
> A professional recorder - which would be needed to track uncertain speed as
> discussed previously - will provide the equalization choice. Even if not,
> sufficient EQ for a field recording can be accomplished with an analogue
> preamp as well as with a digital editor. Compared with the other issues
> discussed, EQ is a minor issue.

As in the US, there is a good supply of ex-broadcast reel to reel
equipment available in Europe, ranging from the ubiquitous Revoxes to
Studers and Otaris with a few oddities like Leevers Rich and Lyrec. I
notice that the original poster also mentioned cassettes. To the best of
my knowledge speeds and track configurations are identical in Europe and
the US. There is the issue of equalisation but both NAB and CCIR (IEC)
are used in Europe so the correct equalisation should be chosen on a
tape by tape basis.

I would have thought that a local broadcast equipment supplier would be
the first place to look for playback equipment at reasonable prices. Now
that broadcasters are moving to digital capture and editing there are a
fair number of used professional reel to reel machines available at low

I'm sure that other list members will have their own views on the best
methods for digitisation and storage of the digitised data.


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