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Re: arsclist Fw: [MLA-L] Recordable CDs


It is my understanding that the audio discs required by some consumer CD Recorders are very different from the data CDs that work in a computer.

There is one significant difference. You have paid a tax on the audio CDs that allegedly somehow gets back to some people making music. There is a flag on these CDs that indicates you have paid the tax and then the machine will record on these discs only.

Otherwise they are identical in my understanding.



At 07:12 PM 10/30/2002 -0800, you wrote:
Please respond directly to Eric.

Paul T. Jackson - Trescott Research
Information & Library Development

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Harbeson" <kiteeatingtree@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 2:52 PM
Subject: [MLA-L] Recordable CDs

| Hi All, | | This question is really only for personal use- it is on-topic only | because it seems like the sort of thing whose answer: (a) might be | relevant to some libraries out there and, (b) might be known to someone | in this forum: | | Does anybody know whether there is a major difference between recordable | CDs where the Compact Disc logo includes the words "Digital Audio," and | those where it doesn't? | | The CD recorder in question is not one that is tied to a computer, but | rather to a component stereo system. The instructions show the "Digital | Audio" logo where they indicate which CDs to use, and I figure that's | probably for a good reason. Still, the ones that just say "Compact | Disc" are appealing since they are available in bulk and in bulk prices | are considerably cheaper. I'd love it if someone who knows about such | things could tell me I could use the cheaper ones :-) | | Feel free to reply off-list or on. Thanks much for any help! | | Cheers | | Eric Harbeson | (Once and Future Librarian) | | ************************************************************************* | To leave MLA-L, send the command SIGNOFF MLA-L to | LISTSERV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or send an e-mail message to | MLA-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To suspend mail temporarily, send the | command SET MLA-L NOMAIL to LISTSERV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The MLA | homepage is located at http://www.musiclibraryassoc.org/ |

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Richard L. Hess richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Glendale, CA USA http://www.richardhess.com/ Web page: folk and church music, photography, and broadcast engineering

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