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arsclist ERPANET OAIS Training Seminar, Copenhagen

*Announcement- Please excuse cross postings*

ERPANET OAIS Training Seminar
Copenhagen, 28th-29th November 2002

Programme Now Finalised (See below)- Some Spaces Still Available

Participants will gain familiarity with the main features of the model, and examine some of the processes involved in its interpretation and application. In particular, they will acquire an appreciation of how to move from model to implementable preservation solution. Expert speakers will contribute their experiences, accumulated knowledge and familiarity of the model in order that the participants can also share this knowledge with colleagues in their home institution.

This seminar has been designed to appeal to a broad array of information professionals, public bodies, commercial as well as non-profit organisations, researchers, and anyone with an interest in learning more about the preservation of digital information.

The event is co-hosted by ERPANET, the Royal Library, Denmark, and Denmark’s Electronic Research Library.


Thursday 28th November
9:00	Welcome
Karl Krarup (Det Kongelige Bibliotek)
9:15	Introduction
Seamus Ross (Director, ERPANET)
9:30	OAIS Model Introductory Session
	David Holdsworth (CEDARS)
10:15	OAIS functionality
	Robin Dale (Research Libraries Group)
11:00	Break
11:15	Interpretation of the OAIS model
	Derek Sergeant (CAMiLEON)
12:30 	Lunch
13:30	OAIS metadata
	Julien Masanès (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
14:15	Break
14:30	Practical Session 1 – OAIS Interpretation
17:00	Finish

Friday 29th November		
9:00	Current applications of the OAIS model 
	Deborah Woodyard (British Library)
David Giaretta	 (CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL))
11:15	Break
11:30	Current applications of the OAIS model (cont.)
Najla Semple (Edinburgh University Library)
12:30	Lunch
13:30 	OAIS limitations
	Hans Hofman (Nationaal Archief van Nederland, ERPANET)
14:45	Break
15:00	Practical Session 2 – OAIS Implementation
16:30	Next Steps
17:00 	Finish

For more details and to register online, visit www.erpanet.org 
The cost of this seminar is 150 Euros. This price includes learning materials, lunch, and additional refreshments.

Georg Buechler  |  ERPANET Content Editor  |  Swiss Federal Archives  |  Archivstrasse 24  |  CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland  |  T +41 31 322 82 18  |  F +41 31 322 78 23  |  E swiss.editor@xxxxxxxxxxx  |  W www.erpanet.org

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