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Re: arsclist RE: 78 Rpm Record Spindle Holes

At 05:34 PM 11/21/2002 -0600, Audio101 wrote:


As many of you know I have been working on an undersized spindle for the Technics SP-15 turntables for use with records that aren't centered. I currently have a prototype spindle assembly finished and it seems to work well, but I am wondering how far off the center hole can be on a record?

 What is every bodies experiences? Can they be more the 1/16" off
center, if so, by how much?

No spindle is required at all. Friction between the disc and the turntable pad is sufficient to keep the record stationary relative to the table. Of course, for convenience it is useful to have a small spindle; it avoids 'losing' the disc completely when making adjustments.

Mike mrichter@xxxxxxx http://www.mrichter.com/

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