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2003 ARSC Awards- Final Notice

Title: 2003 ARSC Awards- Final Notice

Nominations for 2003 ARSC Awards for Excellence-
Deadline for Nominations: January 31

You are invited to propose candidates for the 2003 Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) Awards for Excellence in Historical Recorded Sound Research.  Nominations may be made by anyone, whether or not a member of ARSC.  Eligible publications include any printed work—book, monograph, article, liner notes—first published during 2002.  The work may be on any subject related to recorded sound.  This includes histories, discographies, and recording artist biographies in any field of music, speech or technology, genre (classical, popular, rock, jazz, country, folk, spoken word, labels, phonographs, etc.), as well as modern techniques for the preservation or reproduction of older recordings.  The work should deal primarily with historical periods, defined as at least ten years prior to publication (e.g., pre-1992), with the exception of works related to preservation and technology.  In addition, a Lifetime Achievement Award will be presented to an individual in recognition of his or her life’s work in published recorded sound research. 

Nominations for ARSC Award for Distinguished Service to Historic Recordings

The committee also welcomes nominations for the ARSC Award for Distinguished Service to Historic Recordings. This is a new award to be presented annually to an individual who has made contributions of outstanding significance to the field of historic recordings in forms other than published works or discographic research.

The deadline for nominations is January 31, 2003.   The Awards Committee especially welcomes information concerning eligible journal articles as well as foreign and small press publications that might otherwise be overlooked.  Additional information about ARSC, including a list of past ARSC Award winners, may be found at www.arsc-audio.org. Please forward the author, title, publisher, and publisher’s address for each nominee to either of the ARSC Awards Co-Chairs: 

Brenda Nelson-Strauss
Indiana University
Archives of African American Music & Culture
Smith Research Center, Suite 180-181
2805 E. 10th Street
Bloomington, IN 47408

Vincent Pelote
Institute of Jazz Studies
Rutgers State University of NJ
Newark, NJ  07102

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