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[ARSCLIST] ViDe workshop announcement


Subject: ViDe Digital Video workshop - Another great agenda!

We invite those interested in digital video for education and
research to attend the 5th annual SURA/ViDe Digital Video workshop
and enjoy a compelling agenda covering a wide range of topics.

Presentation topics this year include digital video applications and
projects - both real world applications and emerging technologies -
and half-day in-depth breakouts in areas of special interest,
including "H.323 Operations", "Streaming/VOD", and "Trends from the
Developer Community".


The workshop will be held March 24 - 26 at the Georgia Centers for
Advanced Telecommunications Technology (GCATT) in Atlanta, GA.

The conference keynote will be given by Gordon Castle, CNN Senior
Vice President of CNN Technology. Mr. Castle is a leading executive
behind the creation of an all-digital production environment at CNN -
a multi-year, multi-million-dollar project that is a cornerstone of
CNN's technology plan.

Pre-conference and post-conference workshops are also being offered this year:

- "Using Dublin Core and MPEG-7 to Describe Digital Video", March 24

- Internet2 Commons Site Coordinator training, March 26 & 27.
Successful completion of this training will certify each participant
as an Internet2 Commons Site Coordinator. See
http://commons.internet2.edu/train/Mar03.html for more details.

If you haven't registered, we encourage you to do so very soon! Early
registration is available until March 3 for $150 and includes
continental breakfasts, lunches, breaks and receptions. Registration
cut-off is March 17.

** Important! **

Due to other events taking place in Atlanta at this same time, hotel
availability is very limited. We strongly encourage attendees to make
their hotel reservations as soon as possible to ensure a room and
receive the conference rate.

Registration and hotel information are available from the main Workshop Web:


   Mary Fran Yafchak
   IT Program Coordinator
   SURA (Southeastern Universities Research Association)

   "No problem can be solved from the same level of
   consciousness that created it" A. Einstein.

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