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[ARSCLIST] MLS in relation to an archivist

After lurking for about six months, this is my first post to the Arsclist.
Obviously since this is a mailing list for archivists, this question I have
is completely appropriate for many of you to answer.

I wanted to know what role a Master's Degree in Library Science plays in
finding employment as an archivist.  What I am looking for is an archivist
position at a college or university.  I have the basic audio engineering
skills one would find desirable in a candidate for an archivist position but
no library skills.  Would pursuing a MLS degree be worth my time or is there
a better way to acquire these skills to become an archivist?

At this time I have no desire to become strictly a librarian, although it is
possible that if/when I complete a MLS degree that my opinion might change.
Any comments would be welcome and appreciated.

Michael Farrington

Michael Farrington
Recording Engineer
Eastman School of Music
26 Gibbs St.
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 274-1167

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