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Re: [ARSCLIST] Growing things...

I have heard that the only way to really kill mould is with Javex
solution. I don't know much about how to clean mould from paper; you
should try giving the people at the archives a call? I hope you have
removed the tapes and sealed them off in plastic baggies. If you insist
(your client) on keeping the boxes, I suggest that you seal them off,
if you haven't already done so, and if you do any cleaning of them,
that you do it under a fumehood.

Perhaps this is self-evident, but I just spent a few months cleaning
mouldy discs (with discwashing solution _not_ with Javex thank you),
and let me tell you, life under the right size fumehood made a world of
difference. Mind you, I wouldn't like to repeat the affair if I could
avoid it.


On Wednesday, May 28, 2003, at 03:04 PM, Graham Newton wrote:

The following link is microscope picture of some mold or mildew growing
on the covers of some 7" reel tape boxes issued by Capitol Records for
the Hi-Q library.


This is what the box looks like... the mold is brownish grey and dust-like... on this box, it is most obvious within the rectangle between the words "underscore" and the timings:-


I suspect the mold is feeding on the varnish that the printer used for a gloss surface on the box labels.

Suggestions for cleaning this off have included...

1. Wiping with a cloth moistened with white household vinegar (5%
acid) is said to remove most of it and supposedly kill any remaining
although it is suggested by others that the vinegar probably won't
kill the
mold spores.

2. Another suggestion is 10% Javex in water is used but it might bleach
the paper, which preferably is to be avoided.

Any comments or suggestions on this subject would be appreciated.

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to phonograph and tape
recordings for consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR processes.

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