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[ARSCLIST] film music recordings

Title: film music recordings

ARSC list members,

My name is Kyle Barnett, a recently-minted member of ARSC.  I'm currently doing some research on an essay about Hollywood producer David Selznick's interest in promoting and merchandising "film music" on record.  I'm not interested in the popular songs released in relation to these movies, but the film score music used in the film.

My question: From 1939 to 1949,  which films featured releases (either albums sold to the public or radio transcription discs)?  I've spent time researching in the Selznick archives here at the Univ. of Texas, but finding information on these recordings is difficult.

Selznick famously asked William Paley to release an album of music from _Gone with the Wind_ but Paley refused, saying there was no public interest.  The music wouldn't see official release until many years later....

Here's the information I have thus far.  I assume the earlier films might or might not have had transcription discs, while the later films might be more likely to have seen commercial sales releases.:

Intermezzo (1939) (?)
Gone with the Wind (1939) (?)
Rebecca  (1940) (transcription disc)
Since you Went Away (1944) (transcription disc)
I'll Be Seeing You (1944) (?)
Spellbound (1945) (ARA album -- 78 rpm discs)
Duel in the Sun (1946) (RCA Victor album -- 78 rpm discs)
The Paradine Case (1948) (Alco album -- 78 rpm discs)
Portrait of Jennie (1948) (?)
The Third Man (1949) (?)

If anyone can tell me whether transcription discs or commercially-released albums were released for these other films, I'd be very grateful.

This has also made me wonder how much scholarship has been done on radio transcription discs.

Any info would be helpful.  Thanks in advance.

Kyle Barnett
Dept. of Radio-Television-Film
the University of Texas at Austin

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