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Re: [ARSCLIST] Optical Groove Digitization

Kurt Nauck wrote:
> Have you seen this?
> http://www.eif.ch/visualaudio/
> Perhaps now the tinfoil playback problem has been solved!

...or perhaps not. All the examples shown involved lateral modulation, which
can easily be scanned-in. The tinfoil recordings AFAIK used vertical
modulation, and it isn't clear how well such modulation can be discerned by
conventional scanning. What's really needed is a method of (in essence)
removing one of the groove walls so that all the details of the modulation
can be observed from the vantage point of this removed wall. I think that a
more sophisticated method than the one demonstrated will be necessary.

On the positive side of things, if the playback quality of disc scanning can
be improved, then perhaps there's a chance for flaking lacquer recordings to
be recovered from oblivion.

Aaron Z

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