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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio Conservation Engineer standards

This link will get you to the multitrack delivery recommendations:


This is an email address for feedback (also listed in the above pdf):

It should be noted that the long-term recommended deliverables essentially
treat the multitrack recordings (especially those that are "born digital")
as data.

The P&E Wing committee welcomes feedback and input.  If there are some
topics that you feel are important, please let them (or me, as I am on this
particular committee) know.

John Spencer

> From: Dave Radlauer <Dradjazz@xxxxxxx>
> Reply-To: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx>
> Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 01:39:27 EST
> To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio Conservation Engineer standards
> In a message dated 10/28/03 9:09:43 PM, LISTSERV@xxxxxxx writes:
> << What do we call it? Audio Conservation Engineer? Sound Conservator? More
> importantly, what are the skills required for the job? Clearly, it's more
> than just knowing how to thread tape onto an Otari and dub to a CD recorder.
> It might be worth seeing what is happening at NARAS -- the (American)
> National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.  While mostly known as the
> folks who
> put on the Grammy Awards, there is a section of the organization involved in
> establishing archival methodologies and standards for recording engineers and
> the recording industry.  I beleive they are involved in the Arhoolie/UCLA and
> other worthwhile conservation and restoration projects.
> Dave Radlauer
> www.JAZZHOT.Bigstep.com

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