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[ARSCLIST] Project Gramophone: How to Free Older Sound Recordings From the Vaults (article announcement)

An article I wrote concerning Project Gramophone has just been
published to David Rothman's TeleRead blog:


(A simple, unstyled XHTML version of the article, not including
David's much appreciated commentary, can be found at:

http://www.projectgramophone.org/TeleRead-Article-01Nov2003.html  )

Abstract to the article:

     "Many of the early U.S. sound recordings -- those recorded from
     the late 1800's up to World War II -- are essentially locked
     from wide public availability. This article will explain why
     is so, and why this should concern the world community. It will
     also propose a solution, termed Project Gramophone, to "free"
     these recordings by placing them online, where legal, for wide,
     international access."

Feel free to forward this article where appropriate.

Of course, your feedback is welcome.

Jon Noring

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