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Re: [ARSCLIST] Tandberg 6000X Tape Deck

At 10:19 PM 11/17/2003 -0500, digest Peter Hirsch wrote:

My question is regarding the Tandberg 6000X Stereo tape deck. Is this the
sort of unit that one can play back audio tapes decently enough to transfer
to another, more stable format?

In a word: NO

If this is the machine: http://www.nrhf.no/TB-6000X.html


These machines are at the best fussy and at the worst don't work well. They
are a mechanical kludge and the transports really don't handle tape that well.

It seems that the eBay prices are creeping up on pro tape recorders again,
but we've seen Studer and Sony APR pro machines go for $500 or less.

There are Japanese 3-motor recorders that sell for $300-500, or you can
find ReVox B77s for that price range.

The Tandberg on the link I found is a one-motor deck that uses a friction
tape holdback that is very fussy.

Just my opinion (shared by others).

My Tandberg 3500X is on long-term loan to a friend. I never thought it
handled tape nearly as well as a Sony APR-5003V.

If these are important tapes, they deserve to be transferred via a pro
machine. Once you do it, you'll never do it again.

I've beat my head against this wall and I'm hoping you won't have to.

Where are you located? If you're in the LA area and would like to lease a
Studer A807 for a few months, please let me know.



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